Looking after your eyes in the sun

golf clubs at sunset

Many things can affect the health of your eyes – from poor overall health, to diabetes, to simple old age – but nothing will affect your vision quite like direct exposure to the sun.

Failing to protect your eyes properly during long periods in bright sunlight has even been shown by some studies to contribute towards macular degeneration or cataracts, due to damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) rays. Sunbathing and using sunbeds can be especially detrimental, but being outside playing sports or walking for long periods – or even activities that combine both, such as golf – can be just as risky.

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Improve Your Golf Game

Golf can be both the sweetest and most frustrating sport in the world. There is nothing better than the magic feeling of hitting a perfect golf shot. But there is nothing more maddening than shanking a ball off into the woods or the water. In order to keep your rounds as uplifting as possible, follow these tips to quickly improve your golf game.

Work with a Pro

The best way for golfers to make rapid improvements in their skill levels is to get the services of a professional instructor. It can be very tough to figure out on your own what you are doing wrong. On the other hand, most quality instructors can notice the basic flaws in your swing within a few minutes.

Once an instructor has identified the fundamental flaws in your swing, you can go about correcting them. The instructor will give you drills to work on that will fix the things that are wrong. Practice these drills until you can’t stand them anymore. When you put in the hard work to fix the flaws in your swing, it will shave many strokes off of your handicap.

Develop a Pre-Shot Routine

One of the biggest reasons that people shanks a ball is that they do not swing consistently. They swing perfectly on one shot, but then they make major mistakes on the very next one. The easiest way to fix this erratic behavior is to develop a pre-shot routine. It is a bit like a free-throw shooter’s routine in basketball. A pre-shot routine will remind you exactly what you need to do to swing correctly. It will also psychologically center you, calming you down and getting you into the zone.

Practice Every Day

The easiest way to quickly improve you golf game it to practice every day. It may not be possible to get out to the course every day, especially for those who live in the northern climes. However, it is possible for everyone to practice their putting every day. It is easy to practice your swing every day, too.

A great tool to practice you swing indoors is a weighted practice club. These practice clubs weigh more than a normal club, but they are smaller. This allows you to get a great workout for your swing muscles even when you are indoors.

Gain Some Confidence

Golf is a mental game. The ability to step up to the tee with confidence is crucial for success. One of the easiest ways to gain confidence is to look good on the course. When you look good, you feel confident. This confidence will lend itself to your golf game. If you are stuck in a rut, try buying some flashy new golf clothes at Pricegrabber.

Have Fun

Remember that golf is supposed to be fun. Try to remember this even when you have a bad round. As long as you are following these tips and consistently working on your game, success will come in time.

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